Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Dallas

At Advanced Skin Fitness

learn about Testosterone Replacement Therapy at advanced skin fitness dallas

Replacing Lost Testosterone

A man who is experiencing a decline in his hormone levels usually has unpleasant symptoms like less energy and enthusiasm, weight gain in areas he never had problems before and a regression in his physical capabilities and competitive edge when it comes to sports. Many men notice that they have difficulty maintaining muscle and experience muscle atrophy. He may even see a deterioration in sexual performance and stamina or disinterest in sex. This is a common condition among men in their mid to late 30s and early 40s, often classified as “male menopause” or Andropause.

Although men naturally start to experience a drop in hormone levels as they age, some men experience a drastic decline in their hormones for a host of other reasons like adverse reactions to medication, malnutrition, insomnia or poor sleeping habits, stress, overindulgence in alcohol consumption, kidney failure, testicular injury or genetic disorder and most importantly the food we eat and the items in which we prepare our food. It’s a discouraging predicament for men to be in, but with a doctor regulated treatment program combining a healthy lifestyle and male hormone treatment, it’s possible to bounce back and regain the vitality you had in your 20s or before the symptoms occurred.

Before receiving hormone replacement, men should have a blood test administered to determine if their hormone levels are considered low. From there we can decide what the best treatment package would be to raise the testosterone levels back to normal. For patients who are unsure about the costs and what’s involved in our treatment program, we’d like to address some common questions patients have before receiving testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

Call us to talk about our Testosterone treatments and see if we can make a difference for you as we have for so many men in Dallas.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a vital hormone that is produced in humans and is critical to the reproductive function in males. Produced in the testicles, testosterone is the main contributor to the development of muscles, bone mass, body hair and the general health of men. Women produce testosterone in their ovaries but have significantly lower levels of it in their bodies. For men, testosterone is an important component for maintaining male characteristics, which start to accelerate at the pubescent stage. The changes that occur account for the deepening of the voice, the enlargement of muscles, the production of sperm and the increase in body hair.

Along with being a primary sex hormone, it promotes healthy sperm and sexual function. Although the decline happens naturally, there are ways to raise the levels with and without medical intervention.

Men can expect a natural drop in testosterone levels as they age and it can be a difficult mental and physical adjustment. This is a stage of life commonly referred to as “Andropause” or “male menopause”. Some men have a more drastic decline in hormone levels. In these cases, hormone replacement therapy may be required to raise hormone levels back to a normal state.

At Advanced Skin Fitness, we provide hormone replacement therapy for men who are suffering from abnormally low levels of testosterone. It’s a common problem and it affects more than 4 million men in America. Many of them aren’t sure why they’re having negative changes in their bodies. Some of them recognize that they may be experiencing a decrease in testosterone, but they’re not sure where to begin to get help. Fortunately, as more men come forward seeking a resolution for low testosterone, doctors
have been working to perfect a treatment plan to resolve the issue.

Before receiving hormone therapy, men should know if the changes in their bodies are due to lower testosterone levels or some other physical reasons. And if they do have low testosterone levels, what are the reasons for the decline and what are normal and abnormal levels.

Testosterone therapy from Advanced Skin Fitness may be just the answer you have been looking for. Don’t ignore the signs! We can help to get you back to feeling like yourself again.

How does a man know he has low Testosterone?

If a man notices sexual dysfunction, lower stamina, weakness, depression, muscle loss, or increase in body fat these may be signs of low testosterone.

Aging can be a determining factor for abnormal levels of testosterone. Loss of muscle tone or difficulty building muscle can also be a sign that testosterone levels may be lower than normal. Men may notice unexplainable weight gain around their stomachs. A feeling of fatigue and/or weakness is a symptom, along with feeling unusually depleted after exercising.

One major sign of low testosterone is erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. Stamina also decreases. Feelings of depression, stress and irritability often accompany low testosterone. Insomnia or trouble sleeping can be a symptom as well. If men indulge in excessive smoking, drinking or are taking prescription medications, they may experience low testosterone.

To be sure that a man is experiencing low testosterone, a simple blood test and physical exam can detect the problem and have him on his way to a male hormone treatment program that could drastically improve his physical and emotional health.

What makes Advanced Skin Fitness different from other Low T centers?

We look at the patient now and in the future. We don’t just treat the current diagnosis of low testosterone.

We make sure the patient is prepared in the future to come off of testosterone if needed by using supplements to stimulate your natural testosterone production and we block other side effects of testosterone therapy such acne and “man boobs” with estrogen blockers. We use this three-pronged approach with testosterone cypionate injections, supplements to boost natural production, and estrogen blockers in each and every patient to ensure maximum results and safety.

How Can Testosterone Therapy from Advanced Skin Fitness Help?

Our treatment program can optimize hormone levels in a safe and effective environment under the care and administration of a qualified physician.

Advanced Skin Fitness is a Dallas-based med spa with experts in male hormone replacement. We help you feel stronger, healthier and more masculine, much like you did when you were in the prime of your life.

Our male hormone treatment program prescribes bio-identical hormones such as testosterone in conjunction with a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and nutritional supplements. “Bio-identical” hormones are made up of an identical biochemical structure as the hormones naturally produced by your body. When combined with a healthy lifestyle, hormone treatment can have a significant positive impact on your well-being.

What type of results should a patient expect to see after male hormone replacement treatment?

Men should see an improvement in sexual function, stamina, muscle tone and more.

Patients should see the following changes after hormone replacement therapy:

  • An increase in energy and physical capability
  • Improved concentration, focus, and mental ability
  • Increased strength with more defined muscle tone
  • Restored sexual function and enhanced sex drive
  • Lower cholesterol and lower risk for heart disease
  • Restored muscle tone
  • Better overall health and well-being
  • Although not ideal for everyone, the results of testosterone therapy for suitable candidates can exhibit significant positive changes when administered by the medical experts at Advanced Skin Fitness. Contact us for a confidential evaluation to see if testosterone therapy is the right solution for you.

What is the cost of Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy?

In many clinics, the cost will depend on the condition of the patient. The have one fixed price for testosterone injections, additional charges for estrogen blockers, and additional charges for extra physician visits. This is an expensive way to calculate the cost, therefore, we charge one fixed rate for our hormone replacement therapy,

At Advanced Skin Fitness, we recognize that you want to know what the cost will be before you invest your time and energy in a consultation. Therefore, our hormone therapy programs are simple. Based on your lab results, physical exam, and symptoms, we will tailor a program that meets your hormonal, nutritional, and dietary needs using only premium quality hormones. Here’s the good news we don’t up charge you with various options. Your health is important and it can’t be compromised. Because of this we offer an all-inclusive hormone replacement program including all medications and physician fees for just around $400 per month. I programs are delivered in 6-month packages providing you everything you need for 6 months at a time. We do not require weekly visits to our clinic for treatment. You will be taught to do everything from the comfort and convenience of your home.

Because the type, amount, and administration of hormones will vary for each patient, you must first complete our lab testing and physician evaluation process before we are able to start you on any testosterone therapy.

Our testosterone hormone replacement therapy is aimed at restoring normal testosterone levels. Men should have more balanced hormone levels and should feel their libido increase and their erections should last longer with their stamina increased. They should feel stronger with the ability to maintain and increase muscle mass. Their energy should improve as well as their mood, so anxiety should decrease. Increased body fat should recede and physical performance should be enhanced. Men should feel healthier, revitalized and less lethargic.

What is the cost of a lab test for hormone levels and what does it include?

The price for a complete lab panel is $395

Before commencing a hormone treatment program, obtaining a complete panel of blood testing is vital. This test will help the physician accurately design a treatment plan that will be effective for you. The hormone lab includes nine panels. These are the minimum panels needed for proper diagnosis:

  • CBC
  • CMP
  • Estradiol
  • IGF-1
  • LH
  • Lipid Panel
  • PSA
  • Testosterone Free and Total T
  • Thyroid Panel
  • Why Choose Advanced Skin Fitness for Hormone Replacement Therapy?
  • You should choose Advanced Skin Fitness because we’re qualified and we make patients aware of all costs upfront.

Highly qualified physicians on staff to answer your questions and monitor your progress. We use only FDA approved premium hormone medications. Our price includes all hormone therapy medications necessary for treatment, all follow-up consultations, and all follow-up exams. No Hidden Fees!

For further questions about the pricing of hormone treatment programs, please contact Advanced Skin Fitness today.

Watch our segment on News 8 about testosterone therapy:




We look forward to speaking with you soon!


ADVANCED SKIN FITNESS MEDICAL SPAS AND COOLSULPTING CENTERS have been pioneering and improving non-invasive aesthetic treatments for years. We refuse to settle for out-of-the box, pre-packaged approaches to patient’s needs. Often, the best results come from combinations of treatments.  We find the right combination of treatments and approaches for YOUR individual situation to help you realize the best YOU possible.



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