When it comes to skin health, Vitamin E is not as famous or prominent as Vitamin D or Vitamin C. But this does not mean that it is not incredibly helpful and beneficial. In fact, Vitamin E is essential to the body because it is constantly present in the skin in the form of sebum. What makes it essential and critical are its natural properties and abilities that help the skin sustain and subsequently improve its health. Here are three reasons why it is important:
- Vitamin E is more known to be an antioxidant which helps prevent oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals. Vitamin E is critical in skin health because the skin constantly receives free radicals from the environment and consequently, the skin suffers from them. Without Vitamin E, free radicals will stabilize and continue to destroy healthy skin cells as well as tissues.
- Apart from being that, Vitamin E is a powerhouse when it comes to healing properties. Not only does it eradicate the free radicals but it also promotes healing and rejuvenation because it is naturally anti-inflammatory. Meaning to say, Vitamin E is a good option when it comes to swelling, redding or thickening skin.
- Additionally, Vitamin E has moisturizing properties that can empower the skin’s natural barrier and its overall health. It even has the power to hydrate the skin which helps the skin stay protected against the sun. This results in the prevention of losing moisture.
And while it is convenient to think that the skin rarely runs out of natural oil, Vitamin E is still susceptible to depletion. Apart from aging that can contribute to the depletion, the biggest factor is ultraviolet rays. It is important to still protect the skin from the sun and to take in foods that are high and rich with Vitamin E. These foods include nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, and mango.