Exosome Therapy is a very powerful and effective treatment for skin rejuvenation. Its all-natural capability can dramatically improve enlarged pores, acne and acne scars, sagging skin and uneven skin tone. But Exosome Therapy is not all about skin rejuvenation as it can be utilized to combat hair loss by triggering growth of new hair follicles and strengthening them. Just like any other good treatment, Exosome Therapy requires a good aftercare and maintenance to ensure the best results and guarantee its long-lasting results. Particularly, there are 4 things you need to avoid after undergoing Exosome Therapy:
One of the most vital practices required after the treatment is to avoid strenuous activities and exercises. This way, a spike in the blood pressure can be prevented which enables the Exosomes to linger in the targeted area and make the most out of its stay. Normally, patients are instructed to refrain from such activities for 24-48 hours. But those cardio-related workouts should be continued only after 3-4 weeks.
Anti-inflammatory medications are strictly prohibited after the treatment as they may complicate and augment the biological function of the injected exosomes. As such, any discomfort, redness or swelling after the treatment should be left alone since they will eventually subside within 24 hours.
Despite Exosome Therapy being relatively hassle-free and quick, it is still regarded as a delicate treatment and no other treatments can be combined with it. In fact, the injected area should be free from skin treatments for at least 4 days so as to prevent complications that may diminish the results of the therapy.
Touching, massaging or even washing the injected area is discouraged as this may disturb the flow of exosomes injected. Naturally, any other forms of pressure such as pricking or picking are discouraged even if the injected area swells or turns red. Additionally, applying makeup is also not recommended.