8 glasses of water a day has long been touted as the key to keeping our bodies well hydrated. While adequate hydration is vital for maintaining the delivery of nutrients, preventing infections, keeping our organs from malfunctioning, and improving cognition, its also crucial to skin health, helping it to stay clear and radiant. Here are 8 reasons why!
Water flushes out toxins
Water plays an essential role in keeping the liver and the kidney functioning properly by helping transport the toxins into the organs and removing waste from the blood as urine. This detoxification helps improve the overall health of the body. As toxins get flushed out of the bloodstream this also helps to detox and improve the overall health of the skin!
Water restores the pH balance
Correct pH balance keeps healthy skin from becoming dry and irritated. As a matter of fact, a lot of skin problems come from the imbalance of the skin’s pH. The natural barrier for skin is made of a protective film of water and sebum that locks-in nutrients and moisture. Naturally, water intake balances pH levels which in turn results in healthy skin.
Water moisturizes our skin
Water can also help the skin to look better by adding hydration topically. You’ll notice this if you’ve ever gone from a dry climate to a humid one. After a few weeks of adjusting, the skin thrives in a humid environment. This can be mimicked in dry environments by regularly spritzing the face with a pH balanced mist like rosewater or thermal spring waters.
Water prevents pimples and acne
It is common knowledge that a build up of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells will clog pores and cause problems such as acne and pimples. Drinking water balances the oil and water content on skin and prevents excess oil and sebum secretion. It is important to remember that the more hydrated the skin is, the less the clogged pores will be.Of course regular exfoliation and topical hydration is also essential.
Water improves the skin tone
Water intake improves the skin tone not just because of its ability to flush out toxins from the body but also because it increases blood flow to the skin, thereby improving texture, color, and tone.
Water combats heat-related problems
Water provides good protection from heat-related skin eruptions such as heat boils or rashes. This is because water inside the body and the skin regulates and normalises the body temperature. Furthermore, drinking water also speeds up the healing process and recovery of the skin against sunburn!
Water increases elasticity
Water intake also helps the skin increase its elasticity. Good skin elasticity delays the appearance of saggy skin, fine lines and even premature wrinkles. Additionally, water intake also tightens the skin when there is a presence of sagging skin from aging and weight loss!
Water reduces itchiness
Dry and dehydrated skin often leads to the skin cracking, flaking and itching. But drinking enough water and hydrating skin will solve these problems because hydrated skin will less likely result in cracking and itching. Notably, water intake flushes out toxins that may be the root of the itching of the skin.