As early as last month on October 8th, D Magazine published an article online about the harrowing condition Dallas City’s 911 Call Center is in. They say the pandemic has only exacerbated the problem in an honestly titled piece called “Dallas’ 911 Call Center is Again Flirting With Crisis.” In it they said:
“Dallas’ 911 call center is falling far short of its goal to answer 90 percent of calls within 10 seconds or less. It is currently staffed with about two-thirds of the employees it is budgeted for. It appears to be in the midst of its third major crisis since 2012.”
The titular crisis continues. CBS Dallas Fort Worth recently published an article on November 9th about the understaffing problem in the Dallas 911 Call Center. In it the say:
“Simply put, there is a staffing shortage within the communications division. Last month it was operating with just 69 call-takers. Normally, that number would be at 99. . . Because of shortages, 7 uniformed Dallas police officers, on limited duty, are filling-in the gaps.”
With minimal qualifications needed for the job, here’s hoping the Dallas 911 Call Center can find more readily available operators to get the center running at maximum efficiency.